Our ultimate goal is to help pregnant women.

We’re an organization that provides pregnant women with help tailored to their needs. Our role is to present possible forms of help, but the final decision is always up to the woman. Every pregnant woman who’s scared, lonely, or in need of any sort of support can seek our help. We do our best to provide complex aid, not only during pregnancy but also afterwards. Women can call our helpline or contact us via chat. Currently, the organization operates only in Poland.

About us

Stowarzyszenie Dwie Kreski (in English: The Two Lines Association) is a nonprofit, apolitical organization established in 2018. Our goal is to help pregnant women who struggle with difficult life circumstances.

Apart from running a helpline for pregnant women, we are building a nationwide network of volunteers, ready to assist women through difficult times by seeking the best solutions to their problems.

We help women by providing them with the following forms of help:

  • Counseling
  • Instrumental support
  • Legal advice
  • Emotional support
  • Information about local charity organizations and institutions

Support us financially

Stowarzyszenie Dwie Kreski
Rachunek bankowy: 37 1160 2202 0000 0003 8906 3161
IBAN: PL 37 1160 2202 0000 0003 8906 3161
Title: Donation to statutory objectives

Support us with PayPal

We don’t judge. We help instead.

We believe that every life is precious and meaningful. Our goal is to bring hope and care to every single pregnant woman in need. We know that by helping mothers, the whole family receives help as well.

Our mission

We’re an organization that provides pregnant women with help tailored to their needs. Our role is to present possible forms of help, but the final decision is always up to the woman.

Our vision

We know that pregnancy can be difficult or overwhelming. That’s why you can always count on our support.

Our values